We are required under the Charities Act of Canada to hold a membership, consisting of members and a board or council. Without membership, decisions (especially financial) can be made by one person (or a very small group of people) that affect the rest of the congregation. 

In PAOC (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) we are required to have a minimum quorum of 25% of the membership for major decisions regarding our church's assets, pastoral hires, or any other business decisions. We also are required to meet the quorum standard in attendance at our annual business meetings. Without these guidelines we can not keep our charitable status.

Simply put, we need membership. If you attend this church regularly, we'd love for you to join our membership. It's not a major committment, we do not revoke it if you miss a few weeks of services, or are unable to volunteer for an event,  but it does allow you a voice in major decisions. Pastors Doug and Naomi, both feel that membership shows a committment in a larger way than just saying "I go here". It shows your support, which in turn gives us opportunity to get to know you more and include you in our church family plans! 

You can fill out a membership form online HERE or pick one up at the church from Pastor Doug! We'd love to answer any questions you might have. 


Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths

Local Church Constitution